Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 1 - In Which I Realize Literacy Is Not Necessarily A Good Thing

Since this is the first entry, there's a certain obligation to start with a snappy and clever intro.  I wrote one detailing the story of our grotty floors and the tragic suffering I've endured, but decided to delete it.  Most likely, everyone is expecting stories about the cats, so better I plunge right in.  We have started packing (it's Thursday), which I anticipate will take three to four days. We'll see.    This brings me to packing books.  We have a lot of books.  I have four large bookshelves that are completely full--I must have three hundred or so.  I like having books.  I can't say I like dusting books, and I've realized I don't at all like packing books.  They weigh a ton.  I'm starting to think of all the extra space I'd have in my office if I didn't have the two large bookshelves.  Think how much more of the soon-to-be shiny floor would be visible!  And, really, am I ever going to read "The House of Barrymore" again?  Or "Scoop"?  Interestingly, I don't have any books about cats.  And that's about all you'll hear about cats in this post.

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