Tuesday, July 29, 2008

End of Day 6 - In Which Cats Seem Better Off Than At Home

We've only been in the hotel two days, and I'm seeing a marked improvement in Fidget's health. As most of you know, not only is she hyperthyroid, but she has major "upper respiratory" problems, which translates into seriously inflamed sinuses and post-nasal drip.   It sounds minor, but what it means is that she spews snot over our walls on a regular basis,  she's so congested she has trouble smelling her food, and she has trouble eating it without all the phlegm running forward when she lowers her head.  Getting her to eat even one-third of what a normal cat eats has become a major endeavor.   I've never quite pinpointed whether her reduced eating is from the sinus problem or the hyperthyroidism, but it's particularly troublesome combined with the hyperthyroidism, because she burns up calories at five or six times the rate of a normal cat. (Her doctor has been baffled by her lack of appetite).   Another hyperthyroidism symptom is excessive water drinking, which she's done for the past year.  Within a few hours of being in the hotel, we could tell she was less congested, and within ten hours, she had begun eating on a more regular basis.  She's drinking less water.  By this point, maybe 36 hours later, she's eating the same amounts she did when I first got her.  I'm not sure what this means.  There's something in our house (or growing outside) which must be causing this problem.   Gromit has been much less vomity than he has been for many months.  He's eating less, yet not having tummy problems as a result.  (Normally, if he doesn't eat every three to four hours, he vomits up bile).  

I don't know what all this means, but I'm going to have to figure it out.

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