Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 5 - In Which I Allude To Day 4 and Move Into The Hotel

So Sunday was the fourth day of packing and by far the most tedious, as the majority of our time was spent gathering up all those things that fall into the category of Don't Know What To Do With, which have been shoved into random drawers, at the back of shelves, under tables, etc.  One would think there wouldn't be too much of that stuff, but I think we filled ten boxes or so with it.  I don't know if that's a commentary on our level of thing-ownership or our inability to throw said things out.  
The floor team was coming around 8:00 or 8:30, so on Day 5, Monday, we got up at 4:30 AM, crammed our bed into the garage and our dresser into the kitchen, cleaned up random items and locked the cats in my office.  You may think, "And then what did you do for the next two hours?"  This took us until 8:00.    
The floor team came at 8:30, we went over a few things and then I pushed cats into their carriers.  My car was absolutely packed with computer equipment, cat toys, suitcases, a box of books (yes, I bought more books) and more stuff.  Joe had to take the kitty scratching post in his car, along with the litter box, which thrilled him to no end.  When we arrived at the hotel, I took the cats and he had to carry the litter box and litter, which labeled him as a "cat person" to other guests.  
I'd already picked out the room on Sunday (one with the best view & most sun for cats), so I knew how nice it was.  The cats were happy to prowl about and smell things.  I left the room for about five minutes to look for a trash chute (with the cats being in the room, I've declined housekeeping, so I'll be on my own for trash tossing).  Joe said Gromit looked around for about a minute, then started wailing (he often does this when I leave the house).  He then hid behind the bed and stayed there for several hours.  But he came out a couple hours later and was quite content.  As I predicted, Fidget, who has limited brain processing abilities, took everything in stride, went to her sleeping doughnut and zonked out for the rest of the afternoon.

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