Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 7 - In Which Gromit Realizes He Is In Heaven

No new floor pics--today's the day they get stain and the first coat of finish, so I should be able to take pictures tomorrow morning.  Instead, I took some of the hotel and the very relaxed cats.  Gromit, aside from his usual nighttime brattiness, is completely content.  It occurred to me last night why he's so happy--he has me ministering to him 24/7 (nearly) and there's none of  that nuisance called employment to take up my time and attention.  I suspect he will be sullen when we return to the house and life returns to its normal patterns, which includes me working all day in order to pay for his expensive cat food and other necessities.  

He's been pretty good at night -- started yowling around three-ish.  I don't think the walls here are that thin--hopefully my neighbors are not hearing me hiss/yell, "Stop it!", or his wailing, which sounds like he's being tortured.  He's also developed a very irritating trick of pulling open one of the bathroom cabinet doors just enough so that it swings shut with a very loud THWAP.  He can get off maybe six THWAPS in a minute.  I'm not sure if he wants to get into the cupboard, or whether, as with many of his other aggravating behaviors, he's realized this annoys me to the point of making me get out of bed, so his mission is accomplished.

And Fidget has curtailed her bizarre rusty hinge moaning, which she does when she wants food, water, a toy, sees a bird, walks down the hall, isn't sure what room to go into, has a dream or finds herself alone in a room.  

All in all, a happy vacation for kitties.

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