Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 6 - In Which I Am Finally Caught Up, Day-Wise

So I'm posting on Tuesday about Tuesday.  Joe left for New York this morning.  This was something I actively encouraged, given the long list of cat-oriented unpleasantnesses that were going to occur during the week--Gromit waking us up multiple times during the night, litter box within a few feet of bed, cat food within a few more feet of bed, endless Gromit yowling and moaning....

...oooh, and I can add "earthquake" to this!  Felt the 5.8 about a half hour ago.  My main thought was, "I hope I'm not going to be in a collapsing hotel with two cats."  My next thought was, "I hope the ten foot tall pile of stacked stuff in the breakfast nook didn't fall over."  Cats handled the temblor well.  Fidget walked around curiously; Gromit didn't move from his new sleeping place (to be posted).

Also got pics of the sanded floors this morning.  Wow.  Will post some of those as well.

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